When it rains it pours. And Liz gets confused.

Dearest and darlingest friends and readers,

I know I’ve been gone for a hot minute, but those of you who are on the VIP list have been kept abreast of my comings and goings. Since the last post I haven’t been on a single first date, but I have progressed- or maybe digressed- in my relations with PP. Remember when I famously stated that I wanted to try to friend-zone him and hoped I’d never be obligated to kiss him again? Well, I seemed to have forgotten that decision the weekend before Halloween when I was a little buzzed, desiring male attention, and PP invited me to his brother’s place for a costume party. Let’s just say PP- or the Hamburglar as he was dressed that night- and I partook in some activities that completely smeared my painted-on wolf’s nose and led him to text me a few days later asking me to come over to “huff and puff, blow the house down.” Initially repelled by this creepy invitation, when a coworker had car trouble and cancelled our afternoon meeting, I took him up on the offer.

Do I regret going over to PPs when I afterwards realized that I still wasn’t interested in any type of emotional relationship with him? No. Do I regret asking him to come over the night before Halloween? No. I enjoyed the time we spent together, and was completely honest with him about not wanting a relationship…with him. Ok, maybe I didn’t specify that last part. These feelings were only magnified when he asked me to turn around because he “would look upon” me and he spent SO MANY MINUTES just staring at my face. There were also an ungodly number of kisses to my forehead and closed eyes…Think the ‘Mrs. Darcy’ final scene of the Kiera Knightley Pride and Prejudice. I may have also mentioned a list of annoying things that guys I have dated in the past have done in hopes that he would avoid them, and confessed that I am easy to annoy in general. Blanket clause on annoyances. But still. Nice guy. We talked all night and he is an interesting person. We have tentative plans to hang out next week, and I’m trying to decide if I should go to see him one more time and tell him that I’m done, or if I should just tell him over the phone. Advice? He also just requested to connect on LinkedIn, which is kind of cute, given my prior LinkedIn stalking and the fact that I oh-so-subtly hinted that I had no interest in being Fbook friends.

I’ve also jumped back on the OKC train and am talking to a cute guy who just moved to L.A. from Chicago where he went to law school and a musician who works on film scores and lives right here in Culver City. Infinite points for the potential convenience of that one. Given how much I hate driving and parking in L.A. its possible that I would commit at least three dates to someone who lived within a three mile radius no matter who they were. Remember Wells, the guy who I went on a date with early September (my first Tinder connection) and then got flakey after we made plans for a second date and claimed to have just gotten out of a long term relationship? Well he has been sporadically sending me uninteresting texts over the past few weeks. Most have been links to Arcade Fire videos and articles, because we talked a good deal about them on the first date. But then things always fizzle into dry, uninteresting texts. Unlike PP, who has gone overboard with multiple questions and comments contained in a single text, Wells is a chronic no-response-needed texter. His text an hour ago actually inspired me to write this post. At 11:48 am he asked me how I’ve been. There have been about 10 texts back and forward, his last asking me if I’ve spent much time in Koreatown lately (where we were meant to meet for the second date that didn’t happen). I wasn’t planning to throw him a bone since he’s the one who flaked last time, but I just told him I’ll be there for work Tuesday night and asked if he wanted to meet up afterwards. Stay tuned.